March Break Camp 2025 Registration is NOW OPEN!

Hello everyone,


We are offering Recreational and High Performance tennis Camps!

The March Break Camp will take place from Monday, March 10th to Friday, March 14th 2025! 

Camp registration will be done on a DAY BY DAY basis (not a weekly registration).

We will be offering full day (9AM – 4PM), morning (9AM – 12PM) and afternoon (1PM – 4PM) options for the week!

Visit to reserve your spot now as spots fill up quick! 

Please contact for any questions.



Select CAMPS  from the red toolbar at the top of the page and then click –>  MARCH BREAK CAMP 2025.

Scroll down to the red MARCH BREAK SIGN UP NOW button.

IF YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN CAMPS WITH US BEFORE, CLICK FIRST TIME CAMP REGISTRATION. This will prompt you to create an account with your personal information in JBI (our online booking system).

If you HAVE taken camps with us before, LOG IN to your account on JBI (our online booking system).

Then, once you are logged into JBI, click PROGRAM REGISTRATION at the top of the page.

You will see a list with different programs – select CAMPS from the left hand menu. 

You will see a breakdown of all the available days to select from

Select the camp(s) you are interested in by checking the SELECT box on the right-hand side. 

Scroll to the bottom of the page, click AGREE TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS and click ENROLL.

This will redirect you to a PAYMENT module which will finalize your registration.

You can now exit JBI. You will receive an email confirmation with a receipt shortly after registration.